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Michael Faraday - Penemu Dinamo       Michael faraday was recorded as the inventor of the first the dynamo, Michael Faraday was born in the 1791 in Newington, England.        This is the history of his life, At the age of fourteen years he became a volume and book seller, on this occasion he used to read the book.Then when he was twenty years, he often visited they were given by a scientist named Sir Humpry of Davy. At that time he wrote a letter to Davy in order to be accepted as assiseten In the first in the 1821, which is in the field of electricity, but the previous two years Oersted have found that a magnetic compass can be changed Do not tell me if electricity is distributed in a wire is not far apart at the time Faraday and make the conclusion that if magnetic dikrekatkan a justrubkawatnya, at the time of the trial he managed to get a scheme a clear where the wire will continue to close.       With a magnet for the rest of the electric current is passed to the wire, in fac